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Top 5 YouTube & Podcast channels to learn English

As of my last knowledge here are five popular YouTube channels for learning English:

1. **English with Lucy**: Lucy offers a wide range of English lessons, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

2. **BBC Learning English**: The BBC provides a variety of English language lessons and resources for learners of all levels.

3. **EngVid**: EngVid features lessons by various teachers covering a wide range of English topics, from grammar to business English.

4. **EnglishClass101**: This channel offers video lessons and podcasts for learners interested in improving their English skills.

5. **Rachel's English**: Rachel helps learners with American English pronunciation through detailed lessons and exercises.

Please note that YouTube channels and their popularity can change over time, so I recommend checking the current rankings and reviews to find the most up-to-date and effective channels for learning English.

Top 5 podcasts to learn English:

As of my last knowledge update here are five popular YouTube channels for learning English:

1. **English with Lucy**: Lucy offers a wide range of English lessons, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

2. **BBC Learning English**: The BBC provides a variety of English language lessons and resources for learners of all levels.

3. **EngVid**: EngVid features lessons by various teachers covering a wide range of English topics, from grammar to business English.

4. **EnglishClass101**: This channel offers video lessons and podcasts for learners interested in improving their English skills.

5. **Rachel's English**: Rachel helps learners with American English pronunciation through detailed lessons and exercises.

Please note that YouTube channels and their popularity can change over time, so I recommend checking the current rankings and reviews to find the most up-to-date and effective channels for learning English.

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